Kia ora! Having spent the last 20 years, working in community education roles in local and national government departments, this is an exciting adventure teaching and practicing SONW. I never know what wonderful change is going to happen to my body next. In my mid-50’s with 3 daughters and post-menopausal, I have experienced many not so wonderful changes on my body.
But now, rather than dreading the daily encounter with the mirror, I find it a delightful and astonishing experience. This morning my décolletage caught me by surprise. The age spots, coarse skin and wrinkles had been replaced with smooth, fine, youthful skin, including slimmer shoulders and firm upper-arms. Last week, it was my waist becoming a waist!
When it came to my body, I used to be so impatient, despite doing yoga, tai chi, and meditation. I had spent my life expecting instant results from diet and exercise while battling a slow metabolism, low thyroid and a love of food.
It has been a huge change for me to finally realize and accept that the best most natural things do take time. Although all my arthritic aches and stiffness disappeared quite quickly with SONW, the gradual build up of strength and toning from the inside has taken longer to become apparent under the extra padding! The firmness feels so good in my arms, legs and torso, and inspires me to practice. During the workshops I love seeing participants experience emotional, mental and even physical benefits immediately, looking fresher and vibrant …but seeing the real transformation happen from practice after the workshops is so exciting.
My impatience meant I preferred walking or cycling as exercise, because then I could save time and combine exercise with going somewhere! I still love that I can practice SONW anywhere, and even enjoy the companionship of friends, students and family when we practice together, which is an immensely joyful and energizing experience.
It is a huge joy to see others experience similar changes physically, emotionally and mentally through SONW, which complements beautifully the work I do with Heart-Based Therapeutics, Open Heart Meditation and Inner Heart Solutions, which all help people to be happier, healthier and more extraordinarily natural.
City: Hamilton
Phone: +64212407302