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Degenerative Disc Disease

My back would go out every 2-3 weeks (or more) leaving me curled up on the floor calling for Janet, my wife, to get me Flexeril so I could eventually peel myself off the ground. Needless to say it left me feeling super vulnerable and frankly a bit depressed. 

Over the last decade or so, I’ve tried many approaches to address it. I’ve had MRI’s & x-rays (which confirmed degenerative disc disease), underwent hard-core physical therapy, tried multiple acupuncture & herbology therapists, was adjusted by multiple chiropractors, tried using both cold laser therapy and infra-red therapy, was jolted by electrical muscle stimulation, ate anti-inflammatory diets, hung upside down from inversion tables, purchased a $4000 latex mattress, sweated through 1:1 Pilates and yoga classes, paid $170+ per session for rolfing (a method to reorganize connective tissue) and even tried an experimental treatment called prolotherapy (regenerative injection therapy). Some of these modalities offered a good deal of relief. Others did not. But none of them addressed the core issue as they were temporary. 

Three weeks ago I attended a workshop called “Secrets of Natural Walking” and I’m stoked to report that my back feels fundamentally different. I feel taller, straighter, and more aligned (and Janet, among others have commented on this unprompted!). I am able to sit at my computer without constantly shifting one leg over the other. A week ago I sat at a concert on cement, backless “seats” for over 2 hours, something I never could have done even a few weeks prior. Best of all, I don’t feel the need to watch every move I make in order to protect myself from pain. I still occasionally have some discomfort, but it’s amazing that I don’t feel like my back is in a precarious state any more. 

I’m super grateful that there is improvement in the core issues of my back because of Natural Walking. By the way, 10 years ago I would have rolled my eyes at any of this stuff, much less the results and I won’t be offended if you’re doing so now. I can only speak from what I’ve experienced. 


  • Spine aligned naturally 

  • No more guarding to protect back from pain 

  • Taller and straighter (better posture)

  • Free of pain and discomfort 

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