"I must admit I was very surprised at my first Secrets of Natural Walking Workshop, it was not quite what I was expecting.. However, the benefits are far beyond what I could have possibly imagined… I was amazed to witness profound changes in my own body in response to this specific walking technique. My immune system is now functioning very well, I have a lot of energy, I sleep well and I’m more attracted to eating healthy food. The most significant impact that the walking has had on me is that I feel very calm, grounded and relaxed. Having studied biology at Monash University, I have a solid understanding of the function and processes of the body and I certainly would not have expected these changes to occur from practicing a simple walking technique!
A little bit about me.. I have always been searching for something deeper in life. I travelled extensively and lived in Japan, Canada and Europe, always looking for new and wonderful experiences. Amazingly, I ended up stumbling upon what I was looking for right on my doorstep! I also teach Open Heart Meditation and lead weekly drop in practice in Upwey. I enjoy an active and dynamic life, that includes running a catering business and going for long walks in the Mountain Ash forests near my home in the Dandenong Ranges. I must say the Natural Walking makes it all possible… and wonderful. I’m very happy to be teaching and sharing this extraordinary and life changing practice."
City: Melbourne
Phone: +61411607025