Djohan Lie
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I am a 48 years old diabetic and 5 years ago I had a stroke. I have regular (2x/day) insulin injections to control my blood sugar levels and joined different types of therapies to treat this but although I feel my condition improved, I was still reliant on these insulin injections.
Last October, I joined Natural Walking in Bali but didn’t practice or feel any improvements. However, I was curious and inspired by my other friends who have practiced the walking diligently and reaped the benefits so I made a commitment to practice 45 mins for 1 week and my blood sugar levels improved which drove me to want to practice 1.5 hrs a day. Although I knew my walk was not perfect, the doctor said I no longer need to inject myself with insulin everyday. Looking in the mirror I feel slimmer, healther and fresher everyday. My results of 3 months has been significant and I highly recommend these to others that have a similar condition to me.
Amber Young
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February 23, 2023
TAs a diabetic, I have experienced a significant reduction in my insulin intake (Diabetic) requirements and my blood sugar levels have become more stable.
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May 28, 2023
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